Life Is All About Trying New Things


Look at this throwback photo of me! I was the kid who often got picked last in gym class. I never played on a sports team in elementary or high school. I grew up thinking of myself as the smart kid (as seen here!), but not the athletic kid. I’ve been working to change that story in my adult years, even though it still replays at times. 

I’ve joined gyms and done classes and had some personal training sessions. I even played in a rec adult soccer league one summer. This summer I really went out of my comfort zone and decided that rather than sitting on the sidelines watching my kids take tennis lessons like I have for 7 years, I was going to start taking lessons myself. 

And guess what?…

I love it! I even took a cardio tennis class recently that really kicked my butt, but I had so much fun! 

So what the heck is my point? 

You may be like me and have grown up not thinking of yourself as an athlete. Or you may have stopped being active over the years because of kids and work and all the things. All of us can be active in one way or another though no matter our age or stage of life. 

Being a FASTer Way coach has shown even ND me how much can improve in someone’s health just by focusing on eating well and enough (that’s a big one for many people!), and exercising in the right way. Supplements can help with certain things, but if we aren’t fueling and moving our bodies right, then the foundation will still have cracks. 

I’d love to know… what's a new or not so new sport that you've played this summer? Or what's something on your bucket list?  Next on mine: adult tap dancing lessons!  Please share by commenting below.  

Life is so much more fun when we aren't always watching from the sidelines!


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